Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken. - Frank Herbert
Photo Shoot with Stacy
More photos from my photo shoot for The Cruse Heritage Group (cruseheritagegroup.com) of Stack Shelton, the team’s Buyer’s Agent. She is all about helping you find the home of your dreams!
I love the results of this shoot!
Photoshoot for Cruse Heritage Group
Recently my wife expanded her real estate business by forming a real estate team called Cruse Heritage Group with the addition of Stacy Shelton, Buyer’s Agent.
I shot their initial promotional portfolio to help with their launch.Please wish these wonderful ladies success!
Looking for a fresh look to help promote your business or a killer headshot to enhance your resume? Give me a call!
A Fun Portrait Session in Austin
I have always wanted to do a portrait session in Austin, especially shooting at The Capitol Building. It has been a couple of years since I had shot a formal portrait session, but the purchase of a new camera and lens had me itching to try some portraiture work.
A few months ago, I learned that a couple of our Seniors were going to be in Austin on a Saturday when I was going to be in the capital and they agreed to pose and help me try out a new camera and lens combination.
They had as much fun on the shoot as I did.
However, it had an unintended consequence…a voice, that started as a whisper and has been growing to a loud yell urging me to get back in touch with my creative side and perhaps open a studio. During the pandemic, I have shot a few real estate jobs, but my photography and videography has been taking a back seat to teaching during the time of Covid.
I am exploring the possibility of maybe opening up a studio and separate production company and leaving the classroom…on the other hand, we do live in uncertain times…but I’m not getting any younger!
Prayer Night for House of Mary's Residential Facility
Last night I covered the Prayer Night for House of Mary’s new facility, which is under construction in Livingston, Texas. Last night, the staff of HOM wanted their supporters and well wishers to come and join in prayer to dedicate their facility and write bible verses and messages of well wises on the framing structure before the facility begins the interior/exterior installation and finishing stages.
The House of Mary is establishing a program and residential facility to offer an alternative to young women who choose to take the pro-life path of bringing their child into the world and gives them support and counseling whether they choose to raise their child, or place it for adoption.
You can find out more about House of Mary at their website homlivingston.com or at their Facebook page homlivingston.
Keller Williams/Northeast - Livingston Office Grand Opening
I want honored to cover the Grand Opening - Ribbon Cutting ceremony for the local Keller Williams office in Livingston Thursday evening. The Polk County Chamber of Commerce was there, in force to support their grand opening ceremony.
Keller Williams had a great turnout from vendors, other real estate professionals and the public to join those from the Chamber of Commerce to wish them success in their new location at 2784 U.S. 190W, Livingston, Texas. You can call them at (936) 327-7771.
So, if you need to buy or sell a home, ranch or vacation property, call Keller Williams! (Oh, ask for Lisa Cruse when you do)!
If you need professional coverage of your company’s event, party or get together, contact A. R. Cruse Photography and let us give you a quote!
Livingston, Texas, a good place to retire!
Livingston, Texas, a Preferred Retirement Destination!
An article in the June 8th Houston Chronicle, Livingston, Texas was named one of the top ten destinations for retirees by the website Smart Assets (smartassets.com). The study looked at access to medical care and recreational activities for seniors, as well as the tax burden on retirement savings.
It looks like people are starting to realize what the residents of this area already know!
My Magnum Photos Submission - 2018
One of my main photographic specialities is photojournalism and documentary photography. I love to explore a social issue and tell that story through my images (and get paid to do so)! It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, a maxim that I believe in, wholeheartedly!
It is hard to describe to another the adrenaline rush one feels when you are "in the moment" and you are trying to capture the essence of a person's emotion or the struggle between two factions of opposing viewpoints.
I have been working on a long-term project for a few years that covers The First Amendment and its particular aspects of the right of assembly and the ability to petition one's Government for a redress of grievances...a.k.a. a good old fashion protest march!
The main problem of working on a project, as such, is the travel and time required to properly cover the issue. For example, on July 5th 2016, Baton Rouge police shot Alton Sterling in the wee hours of July 5th, 2016 in a convenience store parking lot. I traveled to Baton Rouge on the 5th and covered the street protest as it was winding down that night, as well as the vigil/media circus at the Triple S Food Mart (scene of the shooting) that next day. Due to the fact I had other commitments and could only afford to stay a couple of days, I left the morning of July 7th. Just over 24 hours later, a violent protest erupted as demonstrators clashed with police and I was no longer there to cover it!
Also, being a full time teacher, it is hard to get the time off necessary to cover these type of breaking news events. The likelihood of me being in the right place at the right time to capture a Pulitzer Prize winning photo or photo essay is probably pretty remote.
Recently, I answered a call for submissions from the internationally famous Magnum Photos agency to review my documentary portfolio for membership consideration. I know that the chance of being contacted by Magnum is highly unlikely following their annual meeting this June. However, every once and awhile you have to put yourself out there and swing for the fences! The images in this post is the portfolio I submitted to them.
One day I will find that combination of entrepreneurial effort that will enable me to leave teaching and pursue my photographic passion full time and still keep the bills paid and keep saving for retirement.
Oh yes, I will!
Introducing The "Petroleum Heritage" Project Print Sale
In advance of a Kickstarter campaign to fund my photo book project called Petroleum Heritage, I am authorizing a few of the images to be released as individual prints that will be featured in the book.
These were the first two images I shot in the series. After the second image, "Texas Nightlight", I came up with the idea of a photo book that documented the petroleum industry, but from a fine art perspective. After the release of the first print run of Petroleum Heritage via Kickstarter, my plan is to attempt to sell a portion of the second edition printing of the book to a large oil companies to be used as corporate gifts, as well as individual purchasers.
The energy industry is changing due to advances in energy production technologies, as well as applied technologies. Like the steel and paper industries before it, the petroleum industry, as far as energy production will eventually decline, and Petroleum Heritage is my effort to document this "engine of growth" that basically fueled a large part of the Industrial Revolution and became the one of the largest factors in the growth of the American economy in the 20th century.
I am putting the "finishing touches" on my Kickstarter offering, and hope to have it active by April 15th, 2018, so stay tuned!
In the mean time, one of these prints would make a great wall decoration for the office, or a great gift for that person involved in the oil field!
Wildflowers in Texas
Wildflowers along US-190, Livingston, Texas
Bluebonnets (Texas State Flower)
For a photographer that enjoys landscapes with vivid colors, there is no place like Texas in the spring time!